ALTERNATIVE OPEN ENROLLMENT application period for the 2024-2025 School Year begins July 1, 2024.
Click on the following links to access the application and instructions on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website:
Alternative Open Enrollment Application (English)
Solictud de InscripciĆ³n Abierta Alternativa (Spanish)
Instructions for applying for Alternative Open Enrollment (English)
Procedimientos Alternativos para Solicitar InscripciĆ³n Abierta (Spanish)
REGULAR OPEN ENROLLMENT application period for the 2024-2025 School Year is now closed.
Please use the Alternative Open Enrollment process described above.
Regular Open Enrollment Application: link
Information for Parents/Guardians of open enrolled students can be found on the WI DPI website: link
Need help filling out the online application? Follow this link for step-by-step screen shots of the application process: link