Volunteer Program

Volunteer Program


"Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the small act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

  ~Leo Buscaglia

Spring Valley School District Thanks All The Volunteers!


Volunteer Welcome Letter

Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Information Sheet

Volunteer Agreement Form

About the Volunteer Program:

What is the Volunteer Program?

A coordinated program which recruits, trains and schedules community members into the School District of Spring Valley.

Why become a Volunteer?

Today there is an increasing need for individualized instruction---fitting the curriculum to the child's needs. Class size and time limit the amount of individual attention each student can receive. This is why YOU are needed. As a Volunteer, you enable the teacher to become more effective.

Who are Volunteers?

Volunteers are people of all ages: parents, business leaders, retired seniors, and members of our community. They are people with a desire to help children and a willingness to give of their time, talents and knowledge.

When do Volunteers help?

You may choose a time that is convenient to you during the school day. We will attempt to arrange a schedule convenient to you, the student and the teacher.

Where do Volunteers help?

Volunteers help in many areas at the Elementary School. You could be:

A tutor or a mentor to a child

Help in the Classroom by assisting teachers in working with students and/or materials.

Read to and listen to students read

Help in the Elementary Library with checking in/out books, shelving books, and helping students.

Help as a resource Volunteer by sharing your career, hobbies, or special talents with students.

Help with copying or other office duties.

How to Volunteer

If you would be interested in being a Volunteer you may fill out a Volunteer Information Sheet and mail to:

Spring Valley Elementary Volunteer Program

Attn: Erica Wahlquist - Community Volunteer Coordinator

S1450 Cty Rd CC

Spring Valley, WI 54767

or contact Erica Wahlquist directly at 715-778-3102 or at [email protected]

Contact Coordinator

For questions or Comments about the Spring Valley Elementary Volunteer Program please contact:

Coordinator: Erica Wahlquist

S1450 Cty Rd CC

Spring Valley, WI 54767

Phone: 715-778-3102

Fax: 715-778-5615

Email: [email protected]

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